Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Naked Driveway

It seldom happens around here — in fact, I can't quite remember another time when it has — so I had to snap a photo. The event: an empty driveway without an empty house. 

With one car in the shop, another on indefinite loan and the third (wonder of wonders!) actually parked n the garage ... it stands to reason that the driveway would be empty. 

And yet, an empty driveway is terra incognita. What is this vast expanse, warped and worn? What is this house devoid of parked vehicles? 

Most of all, what is this emptiness as I back out of the garage on my way to an appointment? I paused, as I always do, calibrating how much I'd have to swerve to avoid the car that's always parked west of the dogwood. But that car wasn't there. My way was clear. It was a naked driveway. 

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