Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Appointment

I made the appointment, and I'm keeping it. Not the dental appointment, though I made that one, too. This one is with the Reston Used Book Shop, where I'll take a box of books tomorrow. If I can lift it, that is. 

I've written before of purging and rearranging, of my meager attempts to bring order from chaos. This current book removal project began as part of an ongoing basement decluttering effort, and has spread upstairs to a slew of double-booked shelves. 

The question now: Do I start filling another box to give away? Not so fast. I don't want to overdo it. So I  haul the carton to the car for tomorrow's date with destiny. That's enough for now. I think I'll celebrate ...  by ordering a new book. 

(The future home of many of my books, I hope.) 

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