Saturday, February 24, 2024

Moon Landing

To continue with the theme of wonder, there is now a U.S. spacecraft on the moon for the first time since 1972. It landed Thursday on the lunar surface, near the south pole. 

The space craft was built and flown by a Texas-based company, Intuitive Machines, with NASA equipment on board. There were some tense moments at first due to issues with the craft's navigation and communications systems. But those appear to be resolved and the robot lander, Odysseus, is now transmitting signals.

Surely it's worth a song. I'm imagining this one set to the tune of Yusuf/Cat Steven's Moon Shadow

We're being treated to a moon landing, moon landing, moon landing. 

Leapin' and hoppin' with a moon landing, moon landing, moon landing.

And if we ever lose our way, tip our craft, botch our stay. 

And if we ever lose our way — let's hope we can launch once more. 

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