Sunday, March 8, 2020

ISO Hand Sanitizer

I've read enough psychology to understand when my actions are simply seeking a little control over a situation that's beyond any. And for me, these last few days, it all boils down to hand sanitizer.

No matter that I've been washing my hands like a fiend. I want hand sanitizer to carry in my purse and backpack. I want to know I can slip a glob of it in my hands when soap and water aren't available.

Of course, as anyone who's been shopping knows, there's no hand sanitizer to be found. Not in pharmacies or grocery stores or anywhere else. When I enter a store and find no hand sanitizer, I buy paper towels or bleach or something else. This is getting expensive!

Which is why I'm glad to hear you can make the stuff. Combine two-thirds cup alcohol with one-third cup aloe vera gel. Of course, you must have aloe vera gel, which strangely enough, I do. It was buried in a bag in the garage where I keep sunscreen and insect repellent.

I still feel out of control ... but not quite so much.

(Photo chosen for serenity enhancement)

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