Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Ones That Got Away

By the time I got upstairs, all I could remember was that it was one of the best ideas I'd ever had. Down in the basement it had seemed revelatory, perfect for a blog post or even an essay. But by the time I'd climbed two flights of stairs to jot it down, it was gone, lost amidst the grocery lists and other to-dos in my mind.

Such is the fate of what seem my best ideas. 

What to do? Ought I to wear a pen and notebook around my neck? Practice better memory hygiene? Learn the mnemonic devices of the ancients? All of the above? 

Or, should I just let those brilliant ideas go, have faith that they'll return again soon, perhaps when I least expect them.  At which point I will realize that ... they weren't so brilliant after all. 

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